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This study was carried out to evaluate 19 native and exotic species and to identify potential species for plantation in homogeneous stands and in agroforestry systems in forest ecosystem in Roraima State. The species were planted from 1997 to 2000. When the objective was sawn wood production the spacing was 4 x 3 m and when the objective was energy and pulp production the spacing was 3 x 2 m. The samples consisted of 9 lines of 9 plants, totaling 81 plants, coming down to 49 useful trees. In each useful tree were measured the DBH (diameter at 1.30 m) and total height. The merchantable volume per hectare was obtained with the merchantable form factor determination, through the scaling of two medium trees using the Smalian method. Each species, was also evaluated in relation to survival, bole quality, phytossanitary aspects and wind damages.The data analysis indicated as promising species for use in energy, Eucalyptus urograndis; Schizolobium amazonicum as low or medium wood density species for use in veneer production and Bertholettia excelsa as medium to high density for use in sawn timber.
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