CERNE 2024-10-23T10:28:26+00:00 Lucas Rezende Gomide Open Journal Systems <p><strong>Aims and scope</strong></p> <p>CERNE is a Brazilian journal that publishes forest science articles. It is affiliated with the Federal University of Lavras/Brazil, which has been our publisher since 1992. Our goal is to disseminate the latest research findings to anyone interested in plantations or natural forests. Our articles cover topics such as silviculture, forest management, forest ecology, and wood science and technology. We invite authors to challenge themselves and present new technologies and innovative ideas. We value clear hypotheses, methods, and social benefits of forest uses. Our documents (manuscripts, reviews, published articles) are securely stored in our institutional database (Repository policy). 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This id number tracks the metadata of an article for wide share on digital networks. </p> <p><strong>ORCID</strong></p> <p>We encourage all authors to visit the website of Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID) project, which is a global and not-for-profit organization. The ORCID number is a unique, persistent identifier for individuals to use that connects research with their contributions across disciplines, borders, and articles.</p> <p>Submit now!</p> USE OF NEAR INFRARED SPECTROSCOPY FOR ESTIMATING MOISTURE CONTENT IN BRAZILIAN CHERRY (Eugenia uniflora L.) SEEDS SUBMITTED TO DEHYDRATION 2024-06-03T10:17:50+00:00 Michele Cerqueira da Silva Alves Thiago Alves da Silva Olívia Alvina Oliveira Tonetti Anderson Cleiton José Paulo Ricardo Gherardi Hein José Marcio Rocha Faria <p><strong>Background</strong>: The determination of seed moisture content is of utmost importance for the evaluation of its quality. Near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy has been successfully applied to estimate properties of biological materials. However, studies using this technique on forest seeds are still scarce. Thus, the aim of this study was to explore the potential of NIR spectroscopy for estimating the moisture <br />content of E. uniflora seeds. NIR spectra were obtained using optical fiber from 100 individual seeds that were dehydrated in silica gel for 2, 7, 14, and 21 days. Subsequently, the seeds were subjected to the moisture test by the oven method, and had moisture contents of 52.4%, 41.7%, 33.1%, 21.8%, and 18.1%, respectively.</p> <p><br /><strong>Results</strong>: Principal component analysis (PCA) of the spectral signatures explained 100% of the data variability. The moisture content was associated with the spectra by partial least squares regression (PLS-R) and the predictive model presented a coefficient of determination in cross-validation (R²cv) of 0.88 and the root mean square error of cross-validation (RMSEcv) was 5.43%.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> The statistics associated with the models indicate that NIR spectroscopy has potential for estimating the moisture content of E. uniflora seeds.</p> 2024-09-27T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 CERNE Production and analysis of the physical and mechanical of particleboards panels produced with Acrocomia aculeata endocarp 2023-08-08T17:12:58+00:00 Luisa de Oliveira Menali Uasmim Lira Zidanes Matheus Cordazzo Dias Carine Setter Mariana Nayara Lima Silveira Douglas Lamounier Faria Fábio Akira Mori José Benedito Guimarães Júnior Saulo Rocha Ferreira <p><strong>Background:</strong> The macauba (<em>Acrocomia aculeata</em> (Jacq.) Lodd. ex Mart.) is a palm tree native to tropical regions and occurs in much of the Brazilian territory. Current studies are focused on the extraction and exploitation of vegetable oil from this fruit. However, there are few studies on the residue, the endocarp, which represents approximately 25% of the total mass of the fruit. Studies that search for solutions for using residue, thus adding value, and generating environmentally friendly products, are of fundamental importance. Thus, this research aimed to evaluate the physical and mechanical properties of reconstituted wood panels produced with different proportions of macauba endocarp particles to replace pine wood particles, in addition to characterize the physical and chemical properties of macauba endocarp. The chemical characterization tests were performed according to applicable standards. The basic density was determined according to the NBR 11941 standard. Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), X-ray diffractometry (XRD) and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) were also performed. The particleboards panels were produced with a nominal density of 0.70g/cm³ and dimensions of 25x25x1.5cm. Five different treatments were evaluated with variations in the proportion of macauba endocarp particles in the core of the panel. For particle agglutination, phenol-formaldehyde adhesive was used at a proportion of 9% for the core and 12% for the faces, based on the dry mass of each panel. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was used to analyze the panel surfaces.</p> <p><strong>Results:</strong>The endocarp of <em>Acrocomia aculeata</em> has low extractive content, high lignin content and high densification, 1.23g/cm³, when compared to <em>Pinus oocarpa</em> wood, 0.43g/cm³. All panels were classified as low density according to CS 236-66 and had an average apparent density between treatments of 0.586g/cm³. A greater dimensional stability and a decrease in the static bending properties of the panels was observed as the proportion of macauba endocarp particles increased. The internal bonding of the panels showed a positive result with the increase in the use of particles of the residue.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> The panels produced have potential for use for non-structural purposes.</p> 2024-04-19T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 CERNE THE DISPERSIBILITY OF CELLULOSE I AND CELLULOSE II BY TEMPO-MEDIATED OXIDATION 2024-01-03T15:49:14+00:00 Nursyamimi Ahmad Ghazali Kushairi Mohd Salleh Nur Fathihah Jafri Khairunnisa Atiqah Mohamad Khalid Sarani Zakaria Nurul Husna Ab Halim <p><strong>Background:</strong> The restricted dispersibility of cellulose in water has grown to be a significant problem which is a key step in making cellulose soluble in water and common solvent. To overcome the obstacle, cellulose structure is being modified to improve the surface properties and the utilization of the cellulose itself. In this study, cellulose I and cellulose II were examined after treated with water-soluble 2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine-1-oxyl radical (TEMPO). The hydrogen bond between chains and the crystallinity of the cotton linter (cellulose I) was first broken by NaOH/urea treatment. Then, cellulose I and NaOH/urea-treated cellulose (cellulose II) were oxidized with sodium chlorite, sodium bromide, and TEMPO in a catalytic amount.</p> <p><strong>Results:</strong> The success of oxidation is revealed when both cellulose I and II treated with TEMPO had preferentially converted the hydroxyl groups to carboxylate groups through Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometer (FTIR). Besides, through X-ray diffraction analysis, cellulose I and II exhibited a decreased in the crystallinity. All samples were examined by thermogravimetric analysis, dispersion analysis, and field emission scanning electron microscopy.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> The result showed, cellulose has been successfully modified using TEMPO-mediated oxidation with improved dispersion properties. The scattered structure revealed through morphology analysis proved that cellulose treated with TEMPO had resulted in a more dispersed and separated cellulose fibre structure. High cellulose dispersion ability will allow the manufacturing process of hydrogel, film and fibre to be much easier and faster. This is necessary for creating novel, environmentally friendly materials for various applications across numerous industries and future research anticipated to increase.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2024-04-22T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 CERNE DOES A SILICON-BASED NANOPRODUCT IMPROVE THE SURFACE CHARACTERISTICS OF AMAZONIAN WOODS? 2024-04-01T19:55:17+00:00 Natasha Oliveira Lima Michael Douglas Roque Lima Jaqueline Macedo Gomes Anna Carolina de Almeida Andrade Marco Antonio Siviero Sabrina Benmuyal Vieira Agust Sales Joabel Raabe <p><strong>Background</strong>: Natural weathering reduces the durability of wood products. In this situation, preservative surface treatments are recommended for wood products to increase life and resistance and decrease the wood’s hygroscopic capacity. This study aimed to evaluate the surface characteristics of three Amazonian wood species – Schizollobium parahyba var. amazonicum, Cordia goeldiana, and Manilkara elata – treated with a silicon-based nanoproduct.</p> <p><strong>Results</strong>: The species were classified according to the following classes of basic density: low ( 0.730 g cm-3). The nanoproduct was sprayed along the grain of the wood samples. Wettability, roughness, and colorimetric properties were determined before and after treatment application. The application of the nanoproduct significantly reduced the wettability of the wood, particularly in S. parahyba var. amazonicum, which showed a 117% increase in contact angle, indicating lower hydrophilicity. Although the application of the nanoproduct affected the colorimetric parameters (L*, a*, and b*), the colorimetric grouping table showed that the colors of the wood did not change. Additionally, the surface roughness of S. parahyba var. amazonicum increased significantly post-treatment compared to untreated samples.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion</strong>: Therefore, the nanoproduct can be indicated for low, medium, and high-density wood species and for purposes that need to maintain their natural color and reduce their hydrophilicity.</p> 2024-10-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 CERNE ARBUSCULAR MYCORRHIZAL FUNGI AND WATER STRESS ON THE PHYSIOLOGY AND QUALITY OF Parkia platycephalic benth 2024-07-17T21:30:38+00:00 Dayara Lins Porto Ruthanna Isabelle de Oliveira Jenilton Gomes da Cunha Emanuel França Araújo Daniela Vieira Chaves Cácio Luiz Boechat Adriana Miranda de Santana Arauco <p><strong>Background: </strong>The water deficit characteristic of semi-arid regions can cause negative changes in plant physiology. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi can meet water needs by associating with plant roots, improving seedling quality. The physiological parameters and the quality of the seedlings of Parkia platycephala Benth. were evaluated as a result of the association of isolated strains of Gigaspora rosea, <em>Gigaspora margarita</em>, <em>Acaulospora koskei</em>, <em>Acaulospora morrowiae</em>, intercalated strains (a mixture of the four strains mentioned above) and a control (without inoculation) under two conditions of water regime (with and without stress).</p> <p><strong>Results: </strong>Artificial inoculation of AMF is a promising management technique in the production of <em>P. platycephala </em>Benth seedlings for improving the physiological state, increasing seedling quality, and drought resilience. Under restriction water restriction conditions, the seedlings showed lower values of net CO2 assimilation, leaf transpiration, stomatal conductance, and higher values of internal CO2 concentration. Under these conditions, the <em>G. rosea </em>strain stood out with the lowest rate of net CO2 assimilation (A), leaf transpiration (E), and stomatal conductance (gs) with increases of 34, 49, and 70 %, respectively, compared to the control.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion: </strong>Stomatal closure is a strategy used by <em>Parkia platycephala </em>Benth. seedlings to prevent excessive water loss, and the Gigaspora rosea strain is responsible for mediating the best physiological conditions and better quality seedlings.</p> 2024-10-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 CERNE CONTROLLED RELEASE FERTILIZER AND TUBE VOLUME IN THE PRODUCTION OF AFRICAN MAHOGANY SEEDLINGS 2024-10-23T10:28:26+00:00 Cassia dos Santos Azevedo Julio Cezar Tannure Faria Marcos Vinicius Winckler Caldeira Tiago de Oliveira Godinho Nathália Gabriele Franca Dias Dione Richer Momolli Cristiane Coelho de Moura Moises Zucoloto Laura Ribeiro Atala <p><strong>Background</strong>: The present study verified the effect of controlled-release fertilizer (CRF) doses combined with tube volumes on the initial growth of seedlings of Khaya anthotheca and Khaya grandifoliola, through evaluations of morphological, physiological, and nutritional characteristics. The experiment was conducted in a factorial arrangement (5 × 2), evaluating the interaction of five concentrations of 15-9-12 CRF and two tube volumes. After 180 days, the morphological parameters of the seedlings were evaluated. Samples of the aboveground and root parts were collected for determination of macronutrients and organic carbon.</p> <p><strong>Results</strong>: Regarding the interaction dose × container volume, for all evaluated characteristics, K. anthotheca and K. grandifoliola seedlings grown in substrate without the addition of CRF showed the lowest means, while seedlings with higher doses resulted in statistically superior responses for the studied attributes. The multivariate analysis of principal components, concerning the nutrients present in the leaves and roots of K. anthotheca and K. grandifoliola, allowed for characterizing the groups of nutritional similarities between the CRF doses and the volume of the tubes.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion</strong>: The different doses of CRF resulted in significant variations in the growth of K. anthotheca and K. grandifoliola seedlings, with the application of the 10 g L-1 dose of CRF recommended for both species. The volume of the tubes did not show disparities in the morphological growth characteristics analyzed in the studied species, highlighting the Dickson Quality Index as one of the most accurate measures. The volume of 280 cm³ stood out, indicating seedlings of better quality.</p> 2024-11-21T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 CERNE INFLUENCE OF SPACING BETWEEN TREES ON WOOD AND CHARCOAL QUALITY INDICATORS 2023-05-29T19:52:32+00:00 Gabriel Soares Lopes Gomes Sílvio Nolasco de Oliveira Neto Angélica de Cássia Oliveira Carneiro Lucas Sérgio de Sousa Lopes Hélio Garcia Leite Marcos Vinicius Winckler Caldeira <p><span class="fontstyle0"><strong>Background</strong>: </span><span class="fontstyle2">The objective of this study was to evaluate the quality indicators for wood and charcoal<br />from the </span><em><span class="fontstyle3">Eucalyptus urophylla </span></em><span class="fontstyle2">x </span><em><span class="fontstyle3">Eucalyptus grandis </span></em><span class="fontstyle2">hybrid (Clone GG 100) in different planting<br />spacings. The study was conducted with the hybrid using the spacings of 2×1, 2×2, 3×2, and 3×3 m.<br />The chemical properties of wood and charcoal were analyzed, and dry wood mass and energy per<br />hectare were estimated. The data were subjected to the t test for comparison of means. Moreover,<br />principal component analysis was conducted to assess the relationships between wood and charcoal<br />indicators as a function of spacing.<br /></span><span class="fontstyle0"><strong>Results</strong>: </span><span class="fontstyle2">The 2×2 m spacing showed the highest values for dry wood mass, lignin mass, mass of<br />charcoal, and energy. The wider spacings of 3×2 and 3×3 m resulted in wood and charcoal of<br />increased quality by showing wood of greater resistance to thermal degradation and charcoal of<br />higher yield.<br /></span><span class="fontstyle0"><strong>Conclusion</strong>: </span><span class="fontstyle2">Spacing between trees influenced wood quality indicators. The 2×2 m spacing showed<br />higher estimates of mass and energy per hectare. However, wide spacings with an area greater than<br />6 m</span><span class="fontstyle2">2 </span><span class="fontstyle2">are more suitable for charcoal production due to their superior wood properties, especially<br />basic density and total lignin, which influence gravimetric yields and bulk density.</span> </p> 2024-04-22T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 CERNE EFFECTS OF FOREST FRAGMENTATION ON NATURAL POPULATIONS OF Anadenanthera colubrina (Vell.) Brenan: INSIGHTS FOR CONSERVATION AND SUSTAINABLE MANAGEMENT 2024-01-02T10:57:11+00:00 Karla Daniele Araújo da Silva Adelson Lemes da Silva Júnior Mariana Cruz de Souza Lucimara Cruz de Souza Fábio Demolinari de Miranda Marcos Vinicius Winckler Caldeira Cássia dos Santos Azevedo Taís Cristina Bastos Soares <p><span class="fontstyle0"><strong>Background</strong>: </span><span class="fontstyle2">The objective of this study is to characterize the diversity and genetic structure of </span><em><span class="fontstyle3">A.<br />colubrina </span></em><span class="fontstyle2">in three Atlantic Forest fragments in the south of Espírito Santo state, using Inter Simple<br />Sequence Repeats (ISSR) molecular markers. Genomic DNA from 85 trees was analyzed using 12<br />ISSR primers, generating 147 fragments, of which 109 were polymorphic (74%). Markers were<br />characterized as moderately informative, with a mean polymorphic informational content of 0.34.<br /></span><span class="fontstyle0"><strong>Results</strong>: </span><span class="fontstyle2">Low genetic diversity was found for the three fragments and in the total sample, based on<br />Nei’s diversity parameters (</span><span class="fontstyle3">H* </span><span class="fontstyle2">= 0.26) and Shannon’s index (</span><span class="fontstyle3">I* </span><span class="fontstyle2">= 0.38). In the dissimilarity analysis,<br />four groups were observed in the dendrogram with an exclusive clustering trend by location.<br />The analysis of molecular variance confirmed that most of the genetic variation is found within<br />populations (73.50%), however, with high genetic differentiation between them (</span><span class="fontstyle3">Φ</span><span class="fontstyle3">ST </span><span class="fontstyle2">= 0.26). This<br />result was supported by the Bayesian approach that indicated genetically structured populations.<br /></span><span class="fontstyle0"><strong>Conclusion</strong>: </span><span class="fontstyle2">The data obtained reveal that forest fragmentation affected the diversity and genetic<br />structure of </span><span class="fontstyle3"><em>A. colubrina</em> </span><span class="fontstyle2">and allow expanding knowledge for the development of effective strategies<br />for the conservation and management of the species.</span> </p> 2024-05-14T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 CERNE Molecular and quantitative genetic analysis of the neotropical tree Jacaranda micrantha Cham. 2023-11-27T23:57:38+00:00 Daniela Sanson Isabel Homczinski Rafael Henrique Roque Rogério Bobrowski Fabiana Schmidt Bandeira Peres Evandro Vagner Tambarussi <p><strong>Backgrounds</strong>: Urban and peri-urban fragments are vital for biodiversity conservation, requiring genetic assessment of tree species in fragmented forests. The aim of this study was to analyze the genetic variability and diversity for adult individuals of <em>J. micrantha</em> along an urban-rural gradient in the Araucaria Forest. Fifteen individuals were sampled, with five from each remaining forest type. Initially, 10 ISRR primers were tested. Five mother trees were chosen from each site (urban, peri-urban, and rural) with a minimum distance of 100 m. The experimental design was a RCBD with 15 progenies, three provenances, three blocks, and 20 plants per plot, totaling 900 seedlings.</p> <p><strong>Results</strong>: The average percentage of polymorphic loci was 93.33%. The urban population showed a greater loss of genetic diversity (H=0.1806). 79% of the genetic diversity was found within populations. The observed gene flow value (Nm) was 1.8790, indicating that there were no random losses of alleles within populations. The fragments did not exhibit significant differences, but there were significant differences among the progenies. The stem diameter (SD) and the height-diameter relationship (H/SD) emerged as the key traits for selecting new individuals due to their higher heritability (&lt; 0.50), accuracy (&lt; 0.70), and relative coefficient of variation (&lt; 7%).</p> <p><strong>Conclusion</strong>: The urban fragment is the most affected, but gene flow between fragments prevents the random loss of alleles. The analysis suggests that these fragments form a unique population, despite geographic barriers. Thus, the three fragments can be considered when choosing superior individuals for future progeny tests in genetic improvement programs for the species.</p> 2024-04-22T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 CERNE ARE TROPICAL FORESTS AN EXTREMISTAN ENVIRONMENT? 2024-09-24T20:14:43+00:00 Hassan Camil David <p><strong>Background</strong>: This study reveals the surprising impact of large trees on biomass modeling and estimation in tropical forests. Findings emerged from viewing tropical forests as an Extremistan environment—a domain where a small number of extreme events disproportionately impact overall outcomes. The aims were to: (i) determine whether humid tropical forests can be characterized as an Extremistan environment, (ii) quantify the impact of large trees on the biomass quantification, and (iii) recommend better practices to mitigate the impact of large trees. The methods included forest simulation, biomass model calibrated with multi datasets and extensive examination of the impact of large trees on model performance and mean biomass estimation.</p> <p><strong>Results</strong>: The select group of the 1% heaviest trees account for 25–35% of the total biomass, a concentration analogous to the wealth concentration in developed countries. Additionally, a “tyranny” of the 5% heaviest trees (diameter &gt;18–31 cm) was observed, in which 50-75% of the total biomass is retained, significantly affecting biomass modeling and mean biomass estimation regardless of the model used.</p> <p><strong>Conclusions</strong>: This study confirms that humid tropical forests behave as an Extremistan environment. For biomass and carbon inventories, installing 10,000-m² sample units is recommended to mitigate the “tyranny” effect of the 5% heaviest trees, with a minimum size threshold of 4000 m².</p> 2024-11-26T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 CERNE PRODUCTION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF WOOD BIOCHAR FROM ENERGETIC FORESTS BY PYROLYSIS IN A HORIZONTAL SCREW REACTOR 2024-05-20T17:34:51+00:00 Everton Hillig Marcelo Godinho Daniele Perondi Christian Manera Oscar de Almeida Neuwald <p><strong>Background</strong>: Acacia mearnsii and Eucalyptus dunnii are species planted mainly for tannin and cellulose production. However, its woods have characteristics favorable to their use for energy generation, being commercialized in the form of firewood, chips or charcoal too. Biochar is a stable form of carbon that can be obtained by converting small particles of wood in the pyrolysis process and that can be used as solid fuel, among other applications as a soil conditioner. In this study, the properties of biochar produced in a horizontal reactor using wood of these species and under milder temperatures were evaluated.</p> <p><br /><strong>Results</strong>: Temperature of 350°C and the reaction time of 30 minutes promoted an increase in higher calorific value of 33% for A. mearnsii and 51% for E. dunnii, with gravimetric yield of 39% and 32%, respectively. it was found that the 250 and 300 oC was not efficient to carbonize the wood of both species. An increase in specific surface area is observed with increasing carbonization temperature. Bigger increases were produced at temperatures of 350 oC for E. dunnii and 420 oC for A. mearnsii, with increase in porosity. At these temperatures, there was an increase in surface area and a decrease in pore size.</p> <p><br /><strong>Conclusion</strong>: In temperatures of 350°C, the woods of both species provided a good quality biochar with porosity, surface area, pore size and pyrolysis yield suitable for energy use. For soil conditioning use, considering these aspects, suggested to test the appropriate temperatures for each species, between 350 and 420°C.</p> 2024-09-27T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 CERNE ADDITIVE EQUATIONS SYSTEM TO ESTIMATE ABOVEGROUND BIOMASS BY STRUCTURAL COMPONENT AND TOTAL OF THREE GIANT BAMBOO SPECIES IN MEXICO 2023-09-13T11:17:25+00:00 Casimiro Ordóñez-Prado Juan Carlos Tamarit-Urias Adan Nava-Nava Melchor Rodríguez-Acosta <p><strong>Background: </strong>Bamboo species have a high potential to produce biomass and stock carbon. However, biometric tools are not available to estimate biomass production for most giant bamboo taxa. The aim was to develop an additive equation system to estimate the aboveground biomass by structural component and the total of the three bamboo species. Destructive sampling was applied, and a sample of 101 mature bamboo specimens was collected. The nonlinear power allometric model was used to integrate two additive equations systems, which were formed by the structural components of biomass: culm, branches and leaves as well as aboveground biomass total. The predictor variables were: diameter at breast height (D) for the S1 system, and D in combination with the total height (D2H) for the S2 system.</p> <p><strong>Results: </strong>It was determined that the SUR method in combination with the dummy variables technique and the correction of heteroscedasticity is an adequate fit strategy. Given that the additivity property is fulfilled, specific values of the parameters of each system and by taxon are identified. In addition, the variance of the error stabilizes. The aboveground biomass of the culm constitutes 86.40%, 90.48%, and 93.94% for <em>Bambusa oldhamii </em>Munro, <em>Guadua aculeata </em>Rupr.<em>, </em>and <em>Guadua angustifolia </em>Kunth, respectively. The S1 system was selected, and its statistics regarding the total aboveground biomass were 0.92, 4.9 kg, -0.35 kg, and 0.05 for the fit statistics <em>R</em><em>2adj</em>, RMSE, S, and E, respectively.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion: </strong>This biometric tool will easier to carry out aboveground biomass inventories, as well as to infer the carbon content and CO2 equivalent at the specimen level.</p> 2024-05-21T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 CERNE 21st CENTURY CLIMATE CHANGE THREATENS ON THE BROWN BEAR 2023-09-01T11:40:07+00:00 Ahmet acarer Ahmet MERT <p><strong>BACKGROUND</strong>: Today, the biggest threat to mammalian predators with wide distribution areas is habitats fragmentation or change climate conditions. We aimed to reveal the habitat suitability modeling and mapping of the Brown bear, which is an important large mammal in Turkey's borders, under change climate. The habitat suitability modelling was determined using the present (2010) and future (2040-2070-2100) chelsa climate scenarios (IPSL-CM6A-LR SSP126-SSP370-SSP585) Maxent method with the present data obtained by examining all studies on Brown bear. Then, the mapping result values for the different years and scenarios revealed were classified as 0.5 unsuitable habitats, 0.51-0.8 suitable habitats and 0.81-1.0 most suitable habitats.</p> <p><strong>RESULTS:</strong> We determined that the variables contributing to the habitat suitability model of Brown bear are annual precipitation amount, the average annual air temperature, the precipitation amount of the wettest month, the ruggedness and elevation. According to the mapping results revealed according to different years and scenarios; Brown bear have suitable habitat a minimum of 14.87% of the study area in today, 12.56% in 2040 year, 10.93% in 2070 year and 8.24% in 2100 year. According to the SSP585 climate scenario of 2100 year, the habitat suitability of the Brown bear decreases by approximately 45%. According to the climate envelope model created with MaxEnt, the change climate in the 2100 year endangered the Brown bear.</p> <p><strong>CONCLUSION: </strong>Therefore, these results will be a source of information for the sustainability of the extinction of the Brown bear, for the pre-protection of existing and potential habitats and for reducing the impact of change climate conditions.</p> 2024-04-22T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 CERNE EFFECTS OF FLIGHT AND SMOOTHING PARAMETERS OF NUMBER OF TREES WITH AERIAL IMAGERY IN A NATIVE BRAZILIAN ATLANTIC FOREST REMNANT 2024-05-05T00:07:36+00:00 Carla Talita Pertille Karla Mayara Almada Gomes Darcy Maria da Conceição Laura dos Santos Hudson Franklin Pessoa Veras Midhun Mohan Carlos Roberto Sanquetta Alexandre Behling Ana Paula Dalla Corte <p>Background: The objective of this study was to detect native trees from different flight configurations and smoothing techniques in Canopy Height Models (CHMs) in a native remnant in the municipality of Curitiba, State of Paraná, Brazil. To do so, eight flights were carried out with a Phantom 4, with two flight planning applications (Litchi and Pix4Dcapture) and two flight arrangements (single and double), totaling four flights for each application. All flights were processed using the Pix4Dmapper program. The LiDAR database was obtained with a DJI Matrice 300 system and from this data, the Digital Terrain Model (DTM) of the area was extracted. From the UAV data, the Digital Surface Model (DSM) of each flight was obtained. Subtracting each DSM from the DTM resulted in the CHMs for each UAV flight flown. The CHMs were smoothed with the CHMsmoothing function and three search window sizes were tested (6.5 x 6.5, 8 x 8, and 10 x 10).</p> <p>Results: The results of the ITD approach revealed that in unsmoothed and smoothed CHMs, the search window of size 8 resulted in the best precision metrics, with the highest recall, precision, and F-score values. In the smallest window size, there was the highest number of false positives while in the largest window size, the omitted trees were more representative.</p> <p>Conclusion: The best combination between flight parameters and smoothing techniques was with the Litchi application, with a single flight and 80% lateral and longitudinal overlap, resulting in individuals detected with an F-score of 0.94</p> 2024-07-09T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 CERNE APPARENT DENSITY OF EUCALYPTUS WOOD EVALUATED BY DIGITAL X-RAY IMAGES AFTER STORAGE IN THE FIELD DURING 365 DAYS 2024-04-10T21:27:12+00:00 Rayana Augusta Grandal Savino Barbosa Vinícius Resende de Castro Paula Gabriella Surdi William Moreira de Oliveira Caio Cesar Nemer Martins Antônio José Vinha Zanuncio José Cola Zanuncio Angélica de Cássia Oliveira Carneiro Solange de Oliveira Araújo <p>Background: The use of X-rays non-destructive technique in color scale in 2D and 3D needs further studies to understand variations in the apparent density of wood stored under natural conditions. The objective of this study was to evaluate, by digital X-ray images and to test the rainbow scale in digital X-ray images in 2D and 3D, the apparent density of eucalyptus wood after storage in the field during 365 days. Trees of two diametric classes were randomly distributed at three heights in a pile in direct contact with the soil. The apparent density of the wood and its diametric profiles in the radial direction were determined using digital X-ray images in gray scale, and converted to a rainbow scale and the density variations plotted on a 3D surface.</p> <p>Results: The wood density decreased as the storage period increased. The density of the samples at 0 days of storage evaluated with the 3D images was homogeneous, while an intense attack by xylophagous organisms due to the exposure to the environmental conditions was observed in those collected at 365 days of storage.</p> <p>Conclusion: The rainbow scale color from X-ray images facilitated to visualize and to interpret the variation of apparent density distribution of the wood.</p> 2024-07-09T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 CERNE POTENTIAL OF METATOPOLINE IN THE IN VITRO MULTIPLICATION AND ROOTING OF Eucalyptus globulus Labill. CLONES 2024-04-06T10:51:30+00:00 Facundo Esquivel Alicia Castillo Marlene Bentancor Maribel Ceppa Laura Rogel María Belen Bonilla Gustavo Balmelli Marco Dalla-Rizza <p><strong>Background</strong>:<em> Eucalyptus globulus</em> Labill. is a species of great interest to the pulp industry. However, it has a low rooting capacity, which makes it difficult to clone on a commercial scale. In micropropagation, the supply of cytokinins is necessary to stimulate proliferation, but the type and concentration of cytokinins can negatively affect adventitious rooting. This study evaluated the effect of metatopoline <br />(mT) and benzyladenine (BA) on in vitro multiplication, elongation, and rooting of E. globulus clones. In the multiplication medium, concentrations of 0.44 and 0.88 µmol BA, 0.41 and 0.83 µmol mT, and a control medium without cytokinins were supplied.</p> <p><br /><strong>Results</strong>: During the multiplication phase, mT increased the proliferation rate. In addition, mT presented lower production of small explants, less than 0.5 cm in height. In the rooting phase, easy rooting clones treated with 0.41 µmol of mT reached rooting percentages of 91%, while with the use of BA it was 50%. However, in clones with difficult rooting, no differences were observed in relation to the type of cytokinin. Explants treated with mT developed longer roots than those originated with BA, which presented roots similar to those of the control treatment (T).</p> <p><br /><strong>Conclusion</strong>: With the use of mT in the multiplication medium, the in vitro elongation, proliferation and rooting of <em>E. globulus</em> was improved, therefore improving the quality of the in vitro explants for the acclimatization stage.</p> 2024-08-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 CERNE DUAL-POLARIZATION VEGETATION INDICES FOR THE SENTINEL-1 SAR SENSOR AND ITS CORRELATION TO FOREST BIOMASS FROM ATLANTIC FOREST FRAGMENTS 2024-05-19T19:42:40+00:00 Erli Pinto dos Santos Isabel Caligiorne Santos Jales de Freitas Bussinguer Renata Ranielly Pedroza Cruz Cibele Hummel do Amaral Demetrius David da Silva Michel Castro Moreira <p><strong>Background</strong>: Vegetation indices have recently been proposed for remote sensing SAR (synthetic aperture radar) sensor measurements to monitor vegetation. However, they still lack validation studies on different vegetation types for their correct application. Thus, the objective of this study was to test the applicability of the Dual-polarization SAR Vegetation Index (DPSVI) and the modified DPSVI (DPSVIm) as indicators of aboveground biomass (AGB) from dense forest fragments.</p> <p><strong>Results</strong>: Three forest fragments, comprising 54 forest plots with AGB ranging from 12 up to 220 Mg ha-1, were studied. These forest fragments belong to the Brazilian Atlantic Forest biome, and were located within the Doce river hydrographic basin in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. AGB was compared with the DPSVI and DPSVIm indices, computed from dual-polarization Sentinel-1 images, using Spearman’s rank correlation test through two approaches. In the first approach (A1), correlation tests were performed using all forest plots; in the second approach (A2), samples were taken from plots on flat to undulating terrain slopes. The correlation of AGB with DPSVI presented no significant correlation (p-value &gt;&gt; 0.05). In contrast, for DPSVIm, the correlation with AGB was significant and positive, with coefficients ranging from 0.4 in approach A1 to 0.7 in approach A2.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion</strong>: While the DPSVI index did not show a correlation with the AGB of the studied forests, even though it is a C-band index, the DPSVIm was found to be a good indicator of the amount of AGB in forests and therefore has potential for applications in future studies, particularly in areas with reasonable slope or flat terrain.</p> 2024-08-04T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 CERNE A GENERALIZED MIXED-EFFECTS HEIGHT-DIAMETER MODEL FOR INTENSIVELY MANAGED Pinus taeda STANDS IN SOUTHERN BRAZIL 2024-06-25T19:44:52+00:00 Ximena Mendes de Oliveira Henrique Ferraço Scolforo John Paul McTague Mário Dobner Junior José Roberto Soares Scolforo <p><strong>Background: </strong>The insertion of stand variables allows for generalized mixed-effects height-diameter model, and the inclusion of random effects aids in model flexibility and application to new databases through calibration. This study aimed to develop a generalized mixed-effects model capable of accurately predicting the total height of <em>Pinus taeda </em>trees, subjected to different management regimes and at different ages.</p> <p><strong>Results: </strong>Experimental data between 4 and 27 years of age collected from stands of <em>Pinus taeda </em>located in the State of Santa Catarina were used. The experiment covers a combination of different planting densities and thinning intensities. The Lasso method was used to select the model’s independent variables, and mixed modeling was implemented, with calibration using BLUP (best linear unbiased predictor). Dominant height and quadratic mean diameter were selected in different formulations by the Lasso method to compose the predictor variables of the model, along with diameter at 1.3 m (dbh). Random effects were entered into the intercept and inverse of dbh terms of the model.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion: </strong>The results show that the generalized model developed presents flexibility and can be applied to <em>Pinus taeda </em>stands in southern Brazil using the calibration of random effects, when necessary, by collecting a small sample of plot data.</p> 2024-10-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 CERNE SILICATES AS ALTERNATIVE PRETREATMENT FOR CELLULOSE PULP TO OBTAIN NANOFIBRILS FOR APPLICATION IN BIODEGRADABLE PACKAGING: A TECHNICAL REVIEW 2024-02-27T17:32:13+00:00 Adriano Reis Prazeres Mascarenhas Mário Scatolino Rafael Carvalho do Lago Dayane Targino Medeiros Felipe Gomes Batista Carine Setter Rafael Rodolfo de Melo Maria Alice Martins Gustavo Henrique Denzin Tonoli <p><strong>Background</strong>: The production of cellulose microfibrils/nanofibrils (CMF/CNF) has attracted increasing attention in recent decades due to their excellent barrier, mechanical, and surface chemistry properties. However, large-scale industrial production of CMF/CNF has been a major challenge due to their high energy consumption, limiting their application. In this context, in recent years many studies have focused on developing pre-treatments designed to facilitate the fibrillation of CMF/CNF by reducing energy consumption during their production. This review highlights the latest advances in the use of silicates as chemical pre-treatments for CMF/CNF production, covering the main aspects related to the effects of chemical modification on the production and the properties of materials for application in biodegradable packaging.</p> <p><strong>Results</strong>: Energy consumption reductions of up to 30% were achieved by pretreating cellulose pulps using silicates. In addition, the pre-treatments resulted in smaller CMF/CNF diameters and greater individualization of the nanofibrils. Studies evaluating the thermal stability, hydrophobicity, mechanical properties, and porosity of CMF/CNF pre-treated with silicates have reported promising results. The application of CMF/CNF pretreated with calcium and magnesium silicates in cardboard coating resulted in packaging with low water vapor permeability and high ductility.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion</strong>: Silicates interact well with cellulose surfaces, making them a promising material for the chemical pre-treatment of CMF/CNF. Furthermore, the modification by silicates could be an interesting strategy for expanding the use of CMF/CNF in the development of new products.</p> 2024-08-04T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 CERNE ASSESSING EQUALITY OF PRODUCTION AND INTERNAL STRUCTURE OF TWIN PLOTS IN CLONAL EUCALYPT PLANTATIONS: ANALYZING EARLY MEASUREMENTS 2024-09-19T14:27:14+00:00 Caroline Ribeiro Rodrigues Carlos Pedro Boechat Soares Gilson Fernandes da Silva Helton Maycon Lourenço Gianmarco Goycochea Casas Hélio Garcia Leite <p><strong>Background:</strong> Extensive research seeks to improve forest management by understanding the effects of silvicultural treatments on productivity. Continuous forest inventory (CFI) plots offer valuable data for such studies. However, accuracy relies heavily on the twin plot concept, where two adjacent plots (twins) are established to isolate treatment effects from natural variation. This study explored the validity of the twin plot concept by analyzing data from 191 plot pairs in clonal eucalypt plantations. Specifically, it aimed to assess the equality of production volume and the internal structure between CFI plots and their twin plots.</p> <p><strong>Results:</strong> Normality assumptions for plot volume differences were not met, even after applying a transformation procedure. Paired t-tests couldn’t be performed, but the non-parametric Wilcoxon test indicated no statistical difference in plot volumes. However, a different procedure called the L&amp;O test revealed significant statistical differences. Gini coefficients demonstrated variations in tree volume distribution between plot pairs. Limited tree numbers and varying diameter classes prevented the use of Chi-square tests for diameter distribution equality. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test showed non adherence to estimated distributions using the Weibull distribution function. The L&amp;O test identified significant differences in diameter distributions in 55 of the 191 plot pairs.</p> <p><strong>Conclusions</strong>: We have concluded that it is critical to determine the twin nature of plots during first tree measurement to properly analyze the effects of silvicultural treatments on forest productivity. This requires robust statistical tests, adherence to assumptions, examination of internal plot structures, and adequate plot sizes for modeling diameter distribution.</p> 2024-11-26T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 CERNE QUANTIFICATION OF TANNINS IN Anadenanthera colubrina (Vell.) Brenan SEEDLINGS AND ITS RELATIONSHIP WITH ENVIRONMENTAL AND AGRONOMIC VARIABLES 2024-06-28T18:51:18+00:00 Luzia Batista Moura Azenate Campos Gomes Rui Oliveira Macêdo Alecksandra Vieira de Lacerda <p><strong>Background</strong>: Anadenanthera colubrina (Vell.) Brenan, commonly known as angico, is a species of high socioeconomic and environmental value, distinguished by its high concentration of tannins in various plant parts. This study aimed to co-validate the quantification method of tannins and associate their quantification with data on the development of young specimens of Anadenanthera colubrina (Vell.) Brenan from different environments. Seeds were collected in two areas in the Western Cariri of Paraíba. Plants were evaluated regarding their height, diameter, fresh and dry mass, and tannin quantification 90 days after emergence. Partial validation was performed in accordance with current Brazilian legislation.</p> <p><strong>Results</strong>: Regarding the development data, only height was statistically different between the study areas, and the specimens from Sumé were the highest (73.6 cm) ones. The tannin quantification method proved to be selective, linear, accurate, and robust, with analytical reliability in the quality control of the plant drug the of part aerea. Principal component analysis justified 79.3% of the data, evidencing the efficiency of the adopted model. Two main groups were formed, in which biomass and diameter data were associated with specimens of matrices from Serra Branca, whereas specimens from Sumé were more related to tannin production and plant height.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion</strong>: This set of data contributes to the sustainable use of the species and is promising in the innovation and technological development of sustainable products based on raw materials rich in tannins from A. colubrina.</p> 2024-11-26T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 CERNE SPATIOTEMPORAL DYNAMIC OF OAK FOREST GREENNESS IN RESPONSE TO CLIMATE CHANGE DERIVED DROUGHT 2023-06-26T14:31:54+00:00 Maryam Daghestani Mohadeseh Ghanbari Motlagh Mansour Halimi <p data-sider-select-id="16523627-ee61-4361-8cb9-6cacc3139578"><strong data-sider-select-id="c322723f-c806-47c3-b4ab-b476134f4121">BACKGROUND</strong>: Climate change, which has mainly manifested in Iran in the form of intensifying periods of drought, can have profound effects on the valuable forest ecosystems of Zagros in the west of Iran. In this study, the drought trend in the period from 2000 to 2020 was investigated on the spatiotemporal dynamics of greenness of Zagros oak forests in Kohgiluyeh and Boyer Ahmad province in the west of Iran. SPI, PDSI, NDVI and EVI with modeling their relationship based on GWR was used. Also, based on two climate change scenarios RCP2.6 and RCP8.5, the simulation of drought conditions and changes in forest greenness until 2050 were studied.</p> <p data-sider-select-id="61203d4f-c354-4c06-bad5-bdecbbd3b078"><strong data-sider-select-id="6c548777-a28b-470b-86fd-45b1022572ae">RESULTS</strong>: The results showed that the peak greenness of the oak forests has a significant sensitivity to changes in rainfall and drought at the end of the cold period of the year and in the spring season. The negative phases of the drought have been completely consistent with the periods of greenness loss. Also, both the greenness and the area of the oak forests have decreased. The EVI index showed<br />the highest sensitivity to the PDSI, and the developed model based on these two indices had a spatial explanation coefficient between 40 and 70%.</p> <p data-sider-select-id="61203d4f-c354-4c06-bad5-bdecbbd3b078"><strong data-sider-select-id="7f0466f5-401e-4474-b5cc-14ae59acfb19">CONCLUSION</strong>: The implementation of the developed model under two scenarios showed that the forest greenness will face a decrease of about 25% in the RCP8.5 scenario and about 15% in the RCP2.6 scenario until 2050. The relationship between drought and forest decline was proven in this study.</p> 2024-05-20T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 CERNE Advances and perspectives in the propagation and conservation of mangabeira (Hancornia speciosa Gomes) – review on a tropical fruit tree with socioeconomic importance 2024-01-27T11:46:04+00:00 Augusto Vinicius de Souza Nascimento Paulo Augusto Almeida Santos Ana Veruska Cruz da Silva Muniz Ana da Silva Lédo <p><strong>Background:</strong><em> Hancornia speciosa</em> is a species known for its medicinal and food properties. Being a native plant of various regions in Brazil, some aspects of its production system are still not well-defined. Among them, large-scale asexual propagation stands out, hindering commercial orchards' establishment using materials with superior characteristics. In this context, this article aimed to investigate the scientific production related to the propagation and conservation of the mangabeira tree, using a mixed methodology of bibliometric analysis and literature review. The Scopus and Web of Science databases were consulted, and the VOSviewer software was employed to map the cooperation network among authors, institutions, and keywords.</p> <p><strong>Results:</strong> The study included 71 articles and found a significant increase in scientific production on the propagation and conservation of the mangabeira tree since 2009. Most studies focused on seed technology, seedling production, in vitro propagation and conservation, and cryopreservation.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> It is concluded that the mangabeira tree has great potential for developing new propagation protocols, emphasizing techniques that allow for the clonal propagation of the species, such as grafting, rooting of cuttings, and micropropagation. It is expected, therefore, that future research will continue to improve the in vitro and ex vitro propagation of the mangabeira tree, contributing to the expansion of commercial orchards of this fruit tree.</p> 2024-04-22T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 CERNE VALORIZATION OF Paulownia tomentosa WOOD WASTES TO PRODUCE CELLULOSE NANOCRYSTALS 2024-03-28T02:33:24+00:00 Carline Andréa Welter Daniel Tavares de Farias Pedro Henrique Gonzalez de Cademartori Cristiane de Bona da Silva Cristiane Pedrazzi <p><strong>Background</strong>: Paulownia tomentosa wood has chemical properties that satisfy the requirements for good raw material to obtain cellulose-based products, such as nanocellulose. Cellulose nanocrystals (CNC) are derived from naturally occurring cellulosic fibers, constituted of cellulose chains with an organizational setting that results in rigid rod-shaped crystals. This study assessed the wood wastes from Paulownia tomentosa Steud. as raw material for producing cellulose nanocrystals (CNC) using alkaline and delignification treatments, followed by a hydrolysis process with sulfuric acid at the 52% and 58% concentrations. The isolation of CNC from Paulownia tomentosa wood wastes was confirmed through different spectroscopic analyses.</p> <p><strong>Results</strong>: The suspensions of nanocrystalline cellulose CNC-52 and CNC-58 showed yields of 8.34% and 7.62%, respectively. The particle size distribution of the suspensions, determined by the AFM technique, presented an average of L = 180.01 nm and W = 20.46 nm in CNC-52 and L = 128.06 nm and W = 10.18 nm in CNC-58. Moreover, the FTIR and XRD results demonstrated that there was no difference in the structure of the crystalline network and the chemical composition between cellulose (Kiri-CB) and the CNC.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion</strong>: The results obtained from this study allowed to conclude that it is possible to employ the Paulownia tomentosa wood waste as a source of cellulose for extracting CNC by hydrolysis, adjusting the sulfuric acid concentration to 58% and maintaining it at 45 °C for 60 min.</p> 2024-08-04T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 CERNE CHARACTERIZING AND SEPARATING THE LIGNOCELLULOSIC FIBERS FROM THE AÇAÍ PULPING WASTE: TOWARDS KRAFT PULPING 2024-02-27T17:00:41+00:00 Dhimitrius Neves Paraguassú Smith de Oliveira Lays Camila Matos Tiago Marcolino de Souza Elesandra da Silva Aráujo Marcela Gomes da Silva Carla Priscilla Tavora Lourival Marin Mendes Qüinny Soares Rocha Lina Bufalino <p><strong>Background: </strong>Over 80% of the açaí fruit is a valuable lignocellulosic waste. Kraft pulping is an alternative for future industrialization to convert açaí waste fibers into paper, but it demands high amounts of undamaged fibers.&nbsp; Therefore, this work aimed to characterize the açaí waste fiber, and to test three fiber extraction methods from the seed’s surface, one manual and two mechanical, focusing on the papermaking industry.</p> <p><strong>Results: </strong>Açaí waste fibers have ≈ 50 % of cellulose with lower contents of extractives (≈ 4.7 %) and non-cellulosic structural components (≈&nbsp; 43.3 %). Microscopic açaí fibers are bundles that dissociate into short fiber cells (388 µm). Their pulp-paper quality biometry indexes were aspect ratio (31.8-41.2), wall fraction (52.8 %), flexibility coefficient (47.2 %), boiler index (0.6), Runkel index (1.2), and Mulstep index (0.8). The manual removal preserved the fibers but had the lowest efficiency (0.1 g/min). The food processor balanced intermediate preservation of the fibers and efficiency (0.5 g/min). Despite the highest efficiency (3.4 g/min), the hammer mill method damaged the fiber morphology and increased the levels of extractives (&gt; 3%) and hemicelluloses (&gt; 10%). <strong>&nbsp;</strong></p> <p><strong>Conclusion: </strong>Açaí waste macroscopic fibers are dissociable into short fibers and have a favorable chemistry for kraft pulping and developing cellulose products. The fiber biometry is not ideal, but not limiting, demanding adjustments in the future kraft pulping parameters. The extraction of the fiber by the food processor is recommended, which is transferrable to the local communities, assuring an integrated bioeconomy of the açaí waste.</p> 2024-07-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 CERNE