IN VITRO ROOTING OF MAHOGANY (Swietenia macrophylla King)

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Sebastião da Cunha Lopes
Osmar Alves Lameira
Gerson Renan Luces Fortes
Raírys Cravo Nogueira
José Eduardo Brasil Pereira Pinto


This research objectived to compare different concentrations of IBA and NAA for induction of the rooting of apical segments and shoots of mahogany in vitro. The used explants were obtained from experiments of multiplication in vitro with at least 2cm of length, with cut bases in a traverse way. The substrate used was the MS (Murashige & Skoog, 1962), it was added vitamin of WPM (Mccown & Lloyd, 1981), supplemented with 3% of sucrose, agar 0,7% and PVP (Polyvinilpirrolidone) 0,1%. IBA were tested the (0,1; 1,0; 3,0 e 5,0 mgL-1) and NAA the (0,1; 2,0 and 5,0 mgL-1). The explants remained for five days in the culture medium, in contact with these auxins, after they were transferred to new substrate without growth regulators and with the salts of the MS substrate reduced in half. The NAA in the concentration of 2,0 and 5,0 mgL-1 was more efficient for induction of rooting, with percentage above 70%, both apical segment and in shoots.

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